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The Files resource in the Digital River API provides a secure and organized way to manage and access various documents and records associated with order management. This resource facilitates the uploading and storing of files, such as customer tax certificates and invoices, ensuring they are readily available for retrieval and review. By leveraging the Files resource, you can efficiently handle documentation critical to transaction processing and compliance within the Digital River ecosystem. See File basics for more information.
Gets all files specified in the request.
A filter on the list based on the createdTime field. The value can be a string with an ISO-8601 UTC format datetime or it can be a dictionary with the following options:
A cursor for use in pagination. The endingBefore parameter is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with xyz your subsequent calls can include endingBefore=xyz in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
A cursor for use in pagination. The startingAfter parameter is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with xyz, your subsequent calls can include startingAfter=xyz in order to fetch the next page of the list.
A limit on the number of objects returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
Only return objects with these IDs.
Only return files with this purpose.
Only return files with this file name.
Only return files with this title.
A filter on the list based on the files size field. The value can be a string or it can be a dictionary with the following options:
Only return files of this type.
To upload a file to Digital River, you’ll need to send a request of type <code>multipart/form-data</code>. The request should contain the file you would like to upload, as well as the parameters for creating a file. For appliation/JSON request type, a base64 encoded string may be sent in the payload.
A file to upload. The file should follow the specifications of RFC 2388 (which defines file transfers for the multipart/form-data protocol). Alternatively, a base64 encoded string may be sent.
A filename for the file, suitable for saving to a filesystem. fileName is required for a based64 encoded file.
A user friendly title for the document.
My 2019 Tax Certificate.
Time at which the link expires.
The purpose of the uploaded file.
, customer_invoice
, customer_credit_memo
Retrieves the details of a file. You must supply the unique identifier of the file.
File identifier.
Permanently deletes a file. Supply the unique identifier of the file.
File ID
No body
Allows the caller to download the contents of the file associated with File resource. You must supply the unique identifier of the file.
File identifier.