Configure the Place Order Confirmation screen

Learn how to configure the Place Order Confirmation screen to use in a synchronous checkout flow.

Use the following steps to configure the Place Order Confirmation screen in a synchronous checkout flow.

  • If you are configuring for the first time, drag a screen node into the flow and drop to the right of the “Payment and Billing Address screen created in the previous topic.

  • Enter the following information:

    • Label: PlaceOrderConfirmation

    • API Name: PlaceOrderConfirmation

  • Click on custom screen PlaceOrderConfirmation.

  • Type drb2b_paymentDetails in the Search Components field and click drb2b_paymentDetails.

  • Drag drb2b_paymentDetails to where you want it to appear on the Edit Screen.

  • Enter the following values in the fields:

    • API Name: Type paymentDetails or any other name with no restrictions.

    • Cart Id: Type {!cartId}.

  • Type drb2b_orderSummary in the Search components field and click drb2b_orderSummary.

  • Drag drb2b_orderSummary to where you want it to appear on the Edit Screen.

  • Enter the following values in the fields. Be sure to click through all designer attributes to ensure that the default values are registered by Salesforce.

    • API Name: Type orderSummary or any other name with no restrictions.

    • Auto Initialize: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • ByPass Validation: Type {!$GlobalConstant.False} or {!$GlobalConstant.True} (default value). Note: Set the value to {!$GlobalConstant.False} whenever you want to use the drb2b_drTermComponent on the Place Order page. See DR terms component for more information.

    • Record Id: Type {!cartId}.

    • Show All: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Duty: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Grand Total: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show IOR Tax: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Place Order: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Promotion: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Regulatory Fee: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Shipping: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Subtotal: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

    • Show Tax: Type {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

  • Add drb2b_drTermsElement to screen and enter the following details. Be sure to click through all designer attributes to ensure that the default values are registered by Salesforce.

    • API Name - drb2b_drTermsElement or any name

    • Auto Initialize - {!$GlobalConstant.True}

    • Bypass Validation - {!$GlobalConstant.False}

    • Cart Id - {!cartId}

    • Hide Terms UI - {!$GlobalConstant.False}

  • Type drb2b_drUtil in the Search components field and click drb2b_drUtil .

  • Drag drb2b_drUtil to where you want it to appear on the Edit Screen.

  • Type drb2b_Util or any other name with no restrictions in the API Name field.

  • Drag drb2b_previousButton component to where you want it to appear on the screen

  • Enter drb2b_previousButton or any name as the API Name.

  • (Optional) Drag drb2b_placeOrder component from the left panel to where you want it to appear on the screen. The connector supports several options for displaying a Place Order button. To add a standalone button in the checkout flow, use the drb2b_placeOrder component.

  • Enter the following values in the fields. Be sure to click through all designer attributes to ensure that the default values are registered by Salesforce.

    • API Name – drb2b_placeOrder or Any Name

    • Display Place Order button - {!$GlobalConstant.True}

    • Is Synchronous checkout - {!$GlobalConstant.True}

  • In the Screen Properties, expand the Configure Footer section.

  • Uncheck Show Footer. You can also choose to hide the Next and Previous buttons on this screen.

  • Click Done.

  • If they are not already connected, connect the nodes as follows:

    • Add a connector from the Payment And Billing Address (Screen) node to the PlaceOrderConfirmation (Screen) node.

    • Add a connector from the PlaceOrderConfirmation (Screen) node to the Get Session Possible Errors CartToOrder (Get Records) node.

  • Click the Save As and Activate buttons to save and activate the Synchronous Checkout flow.

Last updated