Authorize a payment

Learn to authorize a payment.

The Digital River Drop-in Checkout feature is used to authorize a payment handled. Use the following steps to set up a cart and then hand it over to Digital River for payment authorization:

Prepare your cart

  1. Make sure your cart locale and country are set. The connector passes the {cart.locale}_{}value to Digital River to be used for the locale when creating a Drop-in Checkout session.

  2. Set thecustomerEmailfield on the cart to the customer's email address.

  3. Set the value of custom.fields.drWarehouse to a reference pointing to the warehouse that this order will ship from. This step is optional if your cart contains only digital products. The typeId for this reference is key-value-document and the id is the id of the warehouse that has been set when saving it. If you have only one warehouse location, this can be hardcoded. Otherwise, you are responsible for determining the value to use.

  4. Optionally, set the custom field drBusinessCustomer. When this is set to true,the Digital River customerType field is set to business when creating the checkout session. When it is false or not set the customerType field is set to individual.

  5. You can optionally set the shipping addresses on the cart. The mapping of commercetools address fields to Digital River fields is as follows:

    commercetools fieldDigital River field to map toNotes

    firstName and lastName


    Concatenated with space separator









    region or state


    Source depends on value of connector.mapping.address-state-from which defaults to REGION but can be set to STATE







Create a commercetools payment

You must next create a commercetools payment and populate the following:



Reference to commercetools customer

See notes

Required for non-guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set to the logged in customer. One of customerId or anonymousId must be populated


Id for tracking guest checkout

See notes

Required for guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set. One of customerId or anonymousId must be populated




This triggers creation of the drop-in checkout session


IP address of the client device. For browsers you may need to the public-ip npm package to determine this


Required for fraud checking.

The payment object that is returned contains the following additional fields:



The Digital River checkout session id

Complete the payment authorization process

Finally, use the following steps to complete the payment authorization process:

  1. Add the payment to the cart.

  2. Create the Drop-in Checkout modal.

    1. To do this, You need your Digital River public API key. This is configured in the Digital River > API Keys section of the commercetools Merchant Center. It can be retrieved using the custom objects API with container digital_river and key public_api_key.

    2. Load the checkout library from

    3. Render the Drop-in Checkout modal. The following Javascript provides an example of how this is done:

const drCheckout = new window.DigitalRiverCheckout(apiKey);  

const config = {
    options: {},
    onReady: function () {
      // handle onReady callback if required
    onAddressComplete: function (address) {
      // handle onAddressComplete callback if required
    onDeliveryComplete: function (shippingMethod) {
      // handle onAddressComplete callback if required
    onCheckoutComplete: function (order) {
      // if you don't want to display the Digital River confirmation call
      // drCheckout.closeModal(this);
      // and handle displaying your own confirmation
    onClose: function () {
      // handle onClose callback if required
    onError: function (error) {
      // handle onError callback if required

  drCheckout.createModal(pay.custom.fields.drCheckoutSessionId, config);

When the user successfully completes a payment, the connector receives an order.created webhook and calls commercetools to create an order for you from the cart.

In locations where your prices are tax exclusive, Digital River calculates the appropriate tax for you and updates the commercetools cart and order. The amount on the final order, therefore, may not match the amount on the cart before the checkout.

The creation of the order occurs asynchronously so if you need the order to display a confirmation page you need to poll for it using the cart ID until it is available.

Last updated