Step 6: Set up regulatory fees

Learn how to set up Regulatory Fees.

Regulatory Fee setup

Set up the Regulatory Fees section in Backoffice:

  1. A configuration page with the following attributes will appear:

  2. Add or update the configuration details and click Save.

Troubleshooting tips

If the Regulatory Fees section does not appear after the system update, following these steps in Backoffice:

Digital River regulatory fee impex

$productCatalogName=Electronics Product Catalog

INSERT_UPDATE DRRegulatoryFee;code[unique=true];rfType(code);rfProduct(code,$catalogVersion);rfAmount;rfCurrency(isocode);rfCountry(isocode);subdivision(isocode)

Regulatory fee type impex

INSERT_UPDATE DRFeeType;code[unique = true];name;
; test; testfeetype

Last updated