Step 15: Integrate the Digital River components into the checkout flow

Learn how to integrate the Digital River components into the checkout flow.

The Salesforce Lightning application comes with a completely functional checkout flow out-of the-box (OOTB). However, many clients will choose to customize their checkout flow to suit their particular needs. This section describes how you can use the Salesforce Lightning components provided by the application in your storefront.

Custom components used in the checkout subflows

Custom subflow name

Custom component(s) used


DR Shipping Address


This custom subflow will be used in the place of OOTB subflow – Shipping Address.

DR Delivery Method


This custom subflow will be used in the place of OOTB subflow – Delivery Method.

DR Checkout Summary


drb2b_DrTermsElement drb2b_taxIdentifier

This custom subflow will be used in the place of OOTB subflow – Checkout Summary.

DR Payments

drb2b_Order Summary



This custom subflow will be used in the place of OOTB subflow – Payment and Billing Address.

Subflow configuration

Configure the shipping address subflow

This subflow will be used to capture buyer information such as Bill To, Ship To, and Email.

  1. Enter the API Name, Cart Id, Enable Tax Certificate, and Shipping Address ID (in the Advanced section and only visible by selecting Manually assign variables check box).

    • API Name: BuyerInfo or any other name with no restriction

    • Cart Id - ({!cartId})

    • Enable Tax Certificates: ({!$GlobalConstant.True}) OR ({!$GlobalConstant.False})

  2. Click Done.

  3. Click Activate.

Configure the delivery method subflow

To configure the Delivery Method subflow:

  1. Go to Setup and search flows in the Search field.

  2. Add the drb2b_DRUtil component to the screen and enter the API name (drb2b_Util or any name).

  3. Enter the Delivery Method subflow name (for example, DR Delivery Method).

Configure the checkout summary subflow

This subflow will be customized to add US Tax Certificate and Tax Identifier support.

Create a variable

To create a variable:

  1. Go to Setup and search flows in the Search field.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Resource Type: Variable

    • API Name: Saved_Tax_Identifier (or other name as desired)

    • Data Type: Text

  3. Check the Available for input and Available for output checkboxes.

This variable will be used to display payment information in a later step.

Add custom components to the checkout summary subflow

To add custom components for this subflow:

  1. Click into the Cart to Order Summary screen.

  2. Remove all OOTB components from the subflow except the Shipping Address and Delivery Method components.

    • API Name: (Tax_Identifier or any name)

    • Cart Id: ({!cartId})

    • Selected Tax Identifier: ({!Saved_Tax_Identifier})

    • Selected Tax Identifier in the Advanced section: ({!Saved_Tax_Identifier})

    • API Name: DR_Terms or any name

    • Cart Id: ({!cartId})

  3. Click Done.

Configure the payment subflow

This subflow must be customized to add My Wallet and Digital River Payment Details support. To configure the payment subflow:

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Resource Type: Variable

    • API Name: Payment_Details (or other name as desired)

  2. Click Done.

Add custom components to a screen

To add custom components to a screen:

    • API Name: OrderSummary or any name

    • Record Id: ({!cartId})

    • Show Duty: ({!$GlobalConstant.True})

    • Show IOR Tax: ({!$GlobalConstant.True})

    • Show Regulatory Fee: ({!$GlobalConstant.True})

    • Show Shipping: ({!$GlobalConstant.True})

    • Show Tax: ({!$GlobalConstant.True})

  1. Click Done.

Edit the paymentMethodScreen screen

To edit the paymentMethodScreen screen:

  1. Click the paymentMethodScreen screen.

    • API Name: (DR_Payments or any other name with no restriction)

    • Record Id: ({!cartId})

    • Payment Detail: ({!Payment_Detail})

    • Payment Type: ({!paymentType})

  2. Click Done.

Edit decision boxes

To edit decision boxes:

  1. Click Done.

To delete the existing link, click the link and press the Delete button on your keyboard.

  1. Link PaymentMethodScreen to the placeOrderConfirmation screen (custom screen).

  2. Link placeOrderConfirmation (custom screen) to subflow (Validate Checkout State).

  3. Link Decision box (which payment type is selected) element to Assignment (Assign PO to null) element when the paymentType is Digital River.

Configure main checkout flow

To configure the main checkout flow:

  1. Click the Checkout Flow Template (OOTB flow).

  2. Create the subflow element for all the custom subflows (for example, DR Shipping Address, DR Payment, DR Checkout Summary, DR Shipping Address, and DR Delivery Method) which were created in the above steps.

    • Repeat the same steps for all custom subflows.


    Cart Id

    Current state

    Next state

    Order Id

    DR Shipping Address





    DR Delivery Method





    DR Checkout Summary



    Cart To Order


    DR Payment



    Activate Order

    {!mainCheckout Session.OrderId}

  3. Replace the OOTB flows with custom flows.

    • Shipping Address: DR Shipping Address

    • Delivery Method: DR Delivery Method

    • CheckoutSummary: DR Checkout Summary

  4. Click Save, then click Activate.

Add custom components to pages

Salesforce Lightning components can be quickly and easily added to a record page to have an immediate view of information.

To use the custom Lightning component in your pages, you must assign your component to a theme layout in the Experience Builder.

After completion, drag and drop a custom component onto a particular page based on the business requirements.

List of custom components

The custom components listed here are either available in the Experience Builder or used in various flows.

If an optional custom component is NOT dropped onto relevant standard Salesforce UI pages, the downside is that custom fields (for example, Digital River custom fields) will not be visible on those UI pages.

Additionally, a given custom component can be dropped on one or more UI pages based on what the custom component does (for example, the Compliance footer custom component can be placed on multiple pages that require compliance footers).

The custom components listed in this section are provided as part of the app installation. However, they must be placed on the page(s) within the flows and subflows as described in the table below.

Some of the custom components are used on pages such as Tax Certificates, Tax Identifiers, My Wallet, and Stored Payments. Separate tabs are available for these pages. You can directly drag and drop the following custom components onto a particular page based on the user’s needs.

Custom Component



B2B Sample Cart Contents

Checkout Page

This component is used to display cart item details such as item name, SKU, price per unit. and total price.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Checkout Page

This component is used to display address details such as Bill To and Ship To.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


All Checkout Pages

  • Checkout

  • Order Confirmation

  • My Wallet

  • My Tax Certificates

  • My Tax Identifiers

This component is used to show the DR compliance link.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Sub Flow DR Checkout Summary

The checkbox in this component is used for the active acceptance of terms and conditions by the user.

This component is configured in the flow.


My Wallet

This component is used for showing and adding new payment sources in the wallet.

dRB2B_MyWallet is a wrapper component.

Its constituent components are drb2b_StoredPayments and drb2bNewPayments

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Order Summary Detail,

Order Confirmation

This component is used to show payment details and is configured in the Experience Builder.


Order Summary Detail

This component is used to show invoices and credit memos to the user and should be dropped on the Order Summary Detail page two times: one refers to the invoice and the other refers to the credit memo (type = Invoices or type = Credit Memos).

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Order Confirmation

This component is used to show product details.

This component is configured in Experience Builder.


Sub Flow-DR Shipping Address

This component is used to display user information such as Name, Email, Bill to and Ship to, etc.

drb2b_Buyer Info is a wrapper component.

Its constituent component is drb2bUsersTaxCertificates.

This component is configured in the flow.

DRB2B User Tax Certificates

My Tax Certificates

This component is used to upload tax certificates.

DRB2B User Tax Certificates is a wrapper component.

Its constituent component is drb2bAddTaxCertificate.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Order Confirmation

This component is used to display Sub Total, Shipping, Tax, and Grand Total, etc.

drb2b_OrderSummary is a wrapper component.

Its constituent component is drb2b_CheckoutSummary.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder and in the flow.


Checkout Page

This component is used to display Sub Total, Shipping, Tax, and Grand Total, IOR Tax Regulatory Fee, and so on.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Sub Flow-DR Checkout Summary and Delivery Method subflow

This component tells the Order Summary to get taxes and the subtotal from the cart.

This component is configured in the flow.


Sub Flow-DR Checkout Summary

This component is used to add a tax identifier in the checkout flow.

drb2b_taxIdentifier is a wrapper component

Its constituent component is drb2b_MyTaxIdentifier.

This component is configured in the checkout flow.


My Tax Identifiers

This component is used for Tax Identifier functionality.

drb2b_MyTaxIdentifieris a wrapper component.

Its constituent component is drb2b_CountryPicklist.

This component is configured in the Experience Builder.


Sub Flow-DR Payments

This component is used for payment sources (for example, Drop-in and Stored Payments).

drb2b_Payments is a wrapper component.

Its constituent components are drb2b_Dropin and


This component is configured in the flow.


As required

This component is added inside the screens of the flow and allows the client to conditionally show and hide the drb2b_CheckoutSummary component. This component is configured in the flow.

The screenshots below show a mocked-up version of each of the pages mentioned in the table above. The screenshots demonstrate the components that are recommended to be added to each page in the Experience Builder.


Order confirmation

Order summary detail

My Wallet (custom page)

My Tax Certificates (custom page)

My Tax Identifiers (custom page)

Drag and drop (custom) components

After the custom component is added into the Experience Builder, drag and drop the custom component on the page.

Custom pages and menu items

The app provides custom components for three custom pages: My Wallet, My Tax Certificates, and My Tax Identifiers. It is recommended that you create these custom pages as required.

To customize a page:

  1. Go to Setup in the Experience Builder.

  2. Search All Sites in the Search field.

  3. Click Builder.

If you want to add any page for the Menu Item, select the particular page from the page picklist under the Menu Item.

Create a custom menu

To add a menu:

  1. Go to Setup.

  2. Search All Sites in the Search field.

  3. Click Builder.

  4. Select Site Page as the Type. The Name field will appear.

    • Enter the desired name for the Menu Item.

  5. Click Save Menu.

  6. Click Publish.

Add a custom component to a page

To add a custom component to a page:

  1. Go to Setup.

  2. Search All Sites in the Search field.

  3. Click Builder.

  4. Click Home at the top left corner and select the desired page. The custom components will appear at the bottom of the dropdown.

  5. Drag and drop the custom component on the page.

  6. Click Publish.

Add a custom component to a custom page

To add a custom component to a custom page:

  1. Go to Setup.

  2. Search All Sites in the Search field.

  3. Click Builder.

  4. Click Home at the top left corner.

  5. Type the name for the custom page in the Search field.

  6. Click the selected page.

  7. Click the lightning icon on the upper left side to add the custom component. The custom component will appear at the bottom of the dropdown.

  8. Drag and drop the custom component on the custom page.

  9. Click Publish.

  10. Repeat the above steps for other custom components you want to add to various pages.

This custom component can be placed on other UI pages.

Add Tax Certificates component on the My Account page

As an example of how to add a custom component to a page, here are the steps to place the Tax Certificates component on the My Account page.

To add a tax certificate component on the My Account page:

  1. Go to Setup.

  2. Search All Sites in the Search field.

  3. Click Builder.

  4. Click Home at the top left corner.

  5. Click Publish.

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