Extending the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge

Extend the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge.

Custom code

IMPORTANT: Follow the instructions below only when you can’t use the cartridge directly, or you need to resolve conflicts with other cartridges on your project. Otherwise, you must compile the client-side scripts and styles, upload the cartridge, and add it to your storefront cartridge path. Cartridge int_digitalriver_sfra already contains all templates and script changes described in Custom code.


Make the following changes to the template files:

  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\account\payment\addPayment.isml Add this Digital River script to Drop-in functionality on the page.

And apply the changes to Drop-in styles.

<script src="

And apply the changes to Drop-in styles.


Put the following condition inside the card-body div.

<iscomment> Include Digital River Drop-In </iscomment>
<isset name="useDigitalRiverDropIn" value="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}" scope="page" />
<isif condition="${useDigitalRiverDropIn}">
    <isinclude template="account/payment/dropinForm"/>
<iscomment> Default Payment form </iscomment>
    <isinclude template="account/payment/paymentForm"/>
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\cart\cartTotals.isml. Include the Digital River Duty section in the cart totals template after the discount section.

<!-- Digital River Duty -->
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')
    && pdict.totals.duty.value !== 0}">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-8">
            <p>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.duty','digitalriver', null)}</p>
        <div class="col-4">
            <p class="text-right duty-total">${pdict.totals.duty.formatted}</p>
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\billing\paymentOptions\paymentOptionsSummary.isml. Extend the condition with the ‘DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN’ payment method.

<iselseif condition="${payment.paymentMethod === 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN'}" />
    <isinclude template="checkout/billing/paymentOptions/dropInSummary" />
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\billing\billing.isml. Include the Digital River payment options template.

<isif condition="${pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature}">
    <isinclude template="digitalriver/checkout/billing/paymentOptions" />
    <isinclude template="checkout/billing/paymentOptions" />
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\billing\storedPaymentInstruments.isml. Extend the card-image class condition as follows:

<img class="card-image ${!pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature && loopState.first ? 'checkout-hidden' : ''}"

Also, wrap the security-code-input div with the following condition:

<isif condition="${!pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature}"> <iscomment> Digital River - if enabled no cvv needed thus pictures are always shown instead of input </iscomment>

… security-code-input goes here

  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\shipping\shippingAddress.isml. Extend the shipping address form with the email address input field.

<isif condition="${pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature}">
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <div class="form-group
            <isif condition=${pdict.forms.billingForm.contactInfoFields.email.mandatory === true}>required</isif>
            <label class="form-control-label" for="email">${Resource.msg('field.customer.email','checkout',null)}</label>

            <button type="button" class="info-icon">
                <span class="icon" aria-hidden="true">i</span>
                <span class="sr-only">${Resource.msg('button.help.assistive.text','common',null)}</span>
                <span class="tooltip d-none">

            <input type="text" class="form-control email" id="email"
                value="${pdict.order.orderEmail||''}" <isprint value=${pdict.forms.billingForm.contactInfoFields.email.attributes} encoding="off"/>
                aria-describedby="emailInvalidMessage" >
            <div class="invalid-feedback" id="emailInvalidMessage"></div>
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\checkout.isml. Include the Digital River styles.


Add a condition that will control the submit payment button display.

<isset name="submitPaymentShow" value="${!pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature || (pdict.customer.registeredUser && pdict.customer.customerPaymentInstruments.length)  ? '' : 'digitalriver-hide'}" scope="page" />
  • Template: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\orderTotalSummary.isml. Add the Digital River Duty section.

<!--- Digital River Duty --->
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}">
    <div class="row leading-lines duty-item ${pdict.order.totals.duty.value === 0 ? 'hide-order-discount': ''}">
        <div class="col-6 start-lines">
            <p class="order-receipt-label"><span>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.duty','digitalriver', null)}</span></p>
        <div class="col-6 end-lines">
            <p class="text-right"><span class="duty-total">${pdict.order.totals.duty.formatted}</span></p>

Client scripts

Make the following changes to the client script files:

Note: Do not forget to compile client-side scripts after implementing changes in the source code.

  • Script cartridge\client\default\js\checkout.js Include the drDropIn script on the checkout page.

  • Script cartridge\client\default\js\checkout\checkout.js Add the following code to the shipping submit success handler.

if (!data.error) {
    $('body').trigger('digitalRiver:dropIn', data.digitalRiverConfiguration); // Digital River integration: call dropIn feature after checkoutCreate

Extend the code on line 222 as follows:

var paymentMethod = $('.payment-information').data('payment-method-id');
if (paymentMethod === 'CREDIT_CARD' || paymentMethod === 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN') { // Extended by Digital River Drop-in integration
  • Script cartridge\client\default\js\checkout\billing.js Extend the condition inside the function.

if (!$('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')
    && billing.payment && billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments
    && billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments.length > 0) {

Add the <getCreditCardPaymentInfoHtml> function.

 * Creates html to display payment summary for credit card payment
 * @param {Object} order current order model
 * @param {Object} selectedPaymentInstrument selected payment instrument model
 * @returns {string} html for credit card payment
function getCreditCardPaymentInfoHtml(order, selectedPaymentInstrument) {
    return '<span>' + order.resources.cardType + ' '
    + selectedPaymentInstrument.type
    + '</span><div>'
    + selectedPaymentInstrument.maskedCreditCardNumber
    + '</div><div><span>'
    + order.resources.cardEnding + ' '
    + selectedPaymentInstrument.expirationMonth
    + '/' + selectedPaymentInstrument.expirationYear
    + '</span></div>';

And use it for creating HTML inside the <updatePaymentInformation> function.

var selectedPaymentInstrument = order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0];
if (selectedPaymentInstrument.paymentMethod === 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN') {
    switch (selectedPaymentInstrument.paymentType) {
        case 'creditCard':
            htmlToAppend += getCreditCardPaymentInfoHtml(order, selectedPaymentInstrument);
        default: // extend switch with new cases or extend default if you want to show extended data for non-card payment types
            htmlToAppend += '<span>' + selectedPaymentInstrument.paymentType
        + '</span>';
} else {
    htmlToAppend += getCreditCardPaymentInfoHtml(order, selectedPaymentInstrument);

Wrap the <clearCreditCardForm> function content with the following condition.

if (!$('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) {

… function content goes here


Wrap the <handleCreditCardNumber> content with the following condition.

if ($('.cardNumber').length > 0) { // if Digital River enabled card form will be replaced with Drop-in functionality
    cleave.handleCreditCardNumber('.cardNumber', '#cardType');

Add the condition inside the <selectSavedPaymentInstrument>.

if (!$('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) { // Digital River - if enabled no cvv needed thus pictures are always shown instead of input
    $('.saved-payment-instrument .card-image').removeClass('checkout-hidden');
    $('.saved-payment-instrument .security-code-input').addClass('checkout-hidden');
        + ' .card-image').addClass('checkout-hidden');
    $('.saved-payment-instrument.selected-payment '
        + '.security-code-input').removeClass('checkout-hidden');

Add the following code in the <addNewPaymentInstrument> function.

// Digital River Drop-in section
if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) {
    $('.drop-in-container').removeClass('checkout-hidden'); // show drop-in form to enter new payment
    $('.submit-payment').addClass('digitalriver-hide'); // next step will be launched from drop-in button instead

Add the following code in the <addNewPaymentInstrument> function.

// Digital River Drop-in section
if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) {
  • Script cartridge\client\default\js\paymentInstruments.js Add the Drop-in script to the page.


External interfaces

The cartridge uses the Digital River API endpoints. You can find API service documentation on the Digital River website: https://docs.digitalriver.com/digital-river-api/.

There is a service sharing one profile and one credential.

  • DigitalRiver.http.service

Also, this cartridge uses the Digital River Drop-in external script to handle client payments.

Important: The DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN payment integration represents not one but multiple payment types such as credit card, PayPal, Wire Transfer, and so on. The Drop-in integration provides the selection of payment types, and the client-side/backend scripts handle it. We designed this cartridge mainly to handle the credit card payment type, though it will also successfully process any other payment type provided by the Drop-in integration. To add any business logic for a specific payment type or provide shoppers with a better customer experience, you can extend Drop-in data handlers as described below:


  • switch(source.type) in function saveDropInPaymentToWallet—to save any specific payment data from Drop-in to the customer wallet which will be used in further checkouts.

  • switch(paymentType) in function getPaymentInformationFromPaymentInstrument—to handle any payment type specific data which was saved in the customer profile.

  • switch(source.type) in function getPaymentInformationFromDropIn—to handle any payment type-specific data which was provided by Drop-in.


  • function extendDigitalRiverInfo—extract all information you want to be available in templates or be provided to the client-side as JSON.


  • switch(selectedPaymentInstrument.paymentType) in function updatePaymentInformation—add payment information to html. Make sure you have the necessary data provided by the Payment model.

Last updated