Step 7. Update the Product Sync settings

Learn how to update the Product Sync settings.

The Product Sync page allows you to configure the behavior of the automated product synchronization. A batch job performs the synchronization, and you can schedule it to run periodically.

Set up the products you want to sync with Digital River before you perform this step. See Step 6d: Assign tax and ECCNs to products for instructions.

To update the Product Sync settings:

  1. Click Digital River App.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Batch Schedule Time: Defines the frequency of the batch job run in minutes.

    • Batch Size: This is the number of CC product records that the job will push to Digital River each time you run the job.

    • Filter By Status: By default, all CC products with a Released status will be synced to Digital River. Add a comma-separated list of CC Product statuses to override this behavior.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Test DR Connection to verify whether you can successfully connect with the configured Digital River site. If there are errors, check your settings and try again.

  5. Click Sync All to sync all the CC products for which DR ECCN, DR TaxGroup, and DR TaxType fields are populated.

  6. Click Re-sync All to sync CC Products for which Sync Product to DR flag is set to true. This flag gets set to true whenever relevant fields on the CC Product have been modified.

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