Managing subscriptions

Understand how the Salesforce B2B Commerce App supports the processing of recurring installment payments.

A subscription is an arrangement for providing, receiving, or making use of something of a continuing or periodic nature on a (pre)payment plan. The Salesforce B2B Commerce App currently supports the processing of recurring installment payments.

The app comes with two batch jobs to process recurring installment payments.

DR Batch Subscription Processor job

  1. Runs on a schedule and picks the CC Subscription records for which recurring Installment payment needs to be processed.

  2. Creates a CC Cart and adds the subscription product that is stamped on the CC Subscription record.

  3. The Cart status will be set to the Custom Digital River status "Open-DR" so that it is not visible in the Storefront when the user logs in.

  4. Updates the Subscription Installment Count and Installment Next Run date on the CC Subscription record.

  5. Creates a DR Subscription Process Data record and populates it with Cart, Cart Item, Parent Order Id, Transaction Payment, Stored Payment, Subscribed Product, User, Contact, Account, and other information required for DR Order submission.

DR Recurring Payment Processor job

  1. Query all DR Subscription Process Data records whose Is Recurring Payment Processed flag is False and the Subscription Job Run status field is set to Open ordered by Installment Run date.

  2. This job goes through the entire checkout flow. That is, it makes calls to Digital River to get Tax, Create DR Order and Populate the DR Order information in Salesforce.

  3. If this job is successful, then it sets the Is Recurring Payment Processed flag to true and Subscription Job Run Status to Successful.

  4. If this job fails, then it sets the Is Recurring Payment Processed flag to false and Subscription Job Run Status to Open or Failed depending on the Subscription Retry Count value on this record.

Subscription Retry Count Settings

  1. If the Subscription Retry count field on this record exceeds the maximum retry count set in the configuration, then the Subscription Job Run Status is set to Failed.

  2. If the Subscription Retry count field on this record is less than the maximum Retry count set in the Configuration, then the Subscription Job Run Status is set to Open so that this record is processed again next time.

Sequence diagram

The following sequence diagram explains the Recurring Installment Subscription Payment Process supported by the connector.

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