Step 4: Configure the payment method settings

Learn how to configure the payment method settings.

Since Digital River acts as the merchant of record on all transactions, payment methods must be configured by Digital River. Work with your Digital River representative to configure the selection and display of payment methods in the Digital River Drop-in payment integration. Enabling Digital River payment methods and other payment methods on the configuration page for the same store will result in failures.

  1. From the Magento Admin panel, select Stores, select Configuration, select Sales, select Payment Methods.

  2. In Payment Methods, make the following selections:

    • Select Zero Subtotal Checkout if you want to allow orders to use 100% store credit or gift cards.

    • Select Check/Money Order. Then set Enabled to No.

    • Select Bank Transfer Payment. Then set Enabled to No.

    • Select Cash On Delivery Payment. Then set Enabled to No.

    • Select Purchase Order. Then set Enabled to No. Note that the Digital River 2.3.0 extension release supports the Purchase Order payment method.

    • Select Digital River Payment. Then set Enabled to Yes. Note that you can change the title. We recommended typing Payment Options in the Title field.

Understand redirects on the Payment page

You can improve a customer's shopping experience in cases when it is required to redirect them out of the checkout flow in order to complete their transaction.

This situation can happen when:

  • Customers pay using a payment method that redirects them to their website

  • PSD2 regulations require that a shopper answer a 3D Secure Challenge Question when paying with a credit card

To improve this experience, Digital River has added the option to choose where in the checkout flow this redirect will occur. See Configure General Settings for instructions on how to set the flow for redirect payment methods.

You can choose if your shoppers see the challenge question upon clicking Continue within the Drop-in Checkout from the Payment page of the checkout or when clicking Place Order on the Order Confirmation page of the checkout. Please work with your Digital River representative to change the location of the PSD2 challenge question.

Note: This change is not supported by the PayPal payment method.

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