Step 7: Enable support for digital products

Learn how to enable support for digital products.

To enable support for digital products, the checkout flow has been changed by extending the and addCheckoutStepsToModel() methods in various checkout steps controllers. Digital River automatically fulfills digital products by default.

Include the following override methods in the file.

	public boolean isDigitalProduct(final String productCode)
		return digitalRiverPaymentService.isDigitalProduct(productCode);

	public boolean isDigitalCart()
		return digitalRiverPaymentService.isDigitalCart();

	public boolean isDigitalOrder(final OrderModel order)
		return digitalRiverPaymentService.isDigitalOrder(order);
	public boolean hasDigitalProduct(final OrderModel order)
		return digitalRiverPaymentService.hasDigitalProduct(order);

	public String getDigitalEntryStatus(final String code, final OrderEntryData orderEntry)
		return digitalRiverPaymentService.getDigitalEntryStatus(code, orderEntry);

Products marked as Digital in the DRProductType attribute of the product configuration will be treated as a digital product in this extension.

See Step 8: Run the confirmation email body template for digital product-related changes in the confirmation email.

See Step 11: Customize the locale, OMS, and webhooks section for OMS-related changes for digital products.

Last updated