Step 2: Configure the Digital River app

Learn how to configure the Digital River app.

The Digital River app uses the following settings:

  • General Config

  • Product Sync

  • Fulfillment Config

The General Config tab provides settings to establish secure connections between the Salesforce Lightning app and Digital River. This tab also includes information (for example, Ship From Address**,** DR Default Entity, and DR API Endpoint) that will be used in the requests that will be sent to Digital River.

The Product tab provides the batch job settings for syncing or re-syncing products between Salesforce and Digital River. See Step 8: Configure and synchronize the products for information on how to sync the products.

The Fulfillment tab provides configuration settings for batching fulfillments and cancellations.

Configure the General Config settings

To configure the General Config settings:

  1. Click the General tab. This tab includes fields for storing information.

  2. Enter the values in the following fields, such as the DR Secret Key, DR Public Key, and other fields to configure the Digital River app.

  3. Click Test DR Connection to verify whether you can successfully connect with the configured Digital River site. If there are errors, check your settings and try again.

  4. Click Save.

Use the following fields to store configuration information:

Configure the Product settings

To configure the Product settings:

  1. Click the Product tab.

  2. Enter the value in the Batch Schedule Time and Batch Size fields.

  3. Click Save.

The Product Sync batch job uses the following configuration settings for its schedule and scope size:

Test the app's configuration after you configure the Product Sync batch job.

Configure the fulfillment/cancellation settings

To configure the fulfillment and cancellation settings:

  1. Click the Fulfillment tab.

  2. Complete the fields and click Save.

Fulfillment uses the following settings.

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