Step 16: Configure the From email address

Learn how to configure the From email address for system generated email.

When sending an email, Salesforce usually puts the current user's email address as the sender's address. This is OOTB behavior. Your business may, however, require you to use an organization-wide email address (for example, regardless of the user who actually sends the messages.

When defining an organization-wide email address, note the following:

Setting the From email address for system-generated email

To change the default From address for the system email and changed the OOTB behavior:

  1. Type a name (for example, Acme Support) you want to associate with the email address in the Display Name field.

  2. Click Save.

When you click Save, the system will send a verification email to the email address that you configured in the previous steps. You need to verify this email address is correct before you can use it. (Verification is mandatory once you set the Organization-wide Address.)

Setting the From email address in the Digital River app

To specify the From address system email in the Digital River app:

  1. Click Save.

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