Buyer info component

Learn how to use the Buyer Info component.

Use this drb2b_buyerInfo component with the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component. The drb2b_buyerInfo publishes an event and the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout listens for the event triggered by the drb2b_buyerInfo component. The drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout is dependent on drb2b_buyerInfo component.

If you use a custom component instead of the drb2b_buyerinfo component, you must:

  • Populate the following fields in the WebCart object:

    • Buyer_Name__c

    • Buyer_Email__c

    • Buyer_Phone__c

    • BillingAddress

    • DR_Customer_Type__c

  • Provide the selected ship-to contact point address ID to the OOTB flow which populates the ship-to address on the Cart Delivery Group object.

  • Publish an event from the custom component using LMS (Lightning Message Service) as drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout is dependent on this component.

Publishing an event

Import the TaxCertificateMessageChannel__c message channel and message service into a custom javascript file.

Declare the message context variable as shown below.

import { publish, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import toggleShowTC from '@salesforce/messageChannel/TaxCertificateMessageChannel__c';

Declare the messageContext variable as shown below.

messageContext example
 @wire(MessageContext) messageContext;

To enable the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component, set the showLink value to true when publishing the event.

Publish example
publish(this.messageContext, toggleShowTC, {
             showLink: true;

Set the showLink value to true only when the shopper indicates that the purchase type is business and the country is the United States. For digital purchases, check the country of the Billing Address. For physical and mixed cart purchases, check the country of the Shipping Address. In all other cases, set the showLink value to false. Send the event any time the shopper updates these values.

Last updated