Configure the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge
Set up the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge and Business Manager.
Custom site preferences
After successfully importing the metadata, select BM Merchant Tools, select Site Preferences, and then select Custom Preferences to see Custom Site Preferences Groups.
Click Digital River to see the cartridge setup fields.
# | Field Title | Description |
1 | Enable Digital River | Turns on/off Digital River integration |
2 | *API Key | Digital River publishable API key |
3 | *Digital River public key | Your public API key |
4 | *ManufacturerId | Manufacturer ID number |
5 | Digital River ship from country | The ship-from country for physical products |
6 | Digital River ship from state | The ship-from state for physical products |
7 | Digital River ship from city | The ship-from city for physical products |
8 | Digital River ship from address line 1 | The ship-from address line 1 for physical products |
9 | Digital River ship from address line 2 | The ship-from address line 2 for physical products |
10 | Digital River ship from postal code | The ship-from postal code for physical products |
11 | SKUs update requested | The switch for the possibility of performing the job |
*Digital River provides the values for these fields.
Business Manager roles and permissions
To enable the Digital River Business Manager extensions, add the Write permission to the targeted access role. This is optional to enable the Digital River Service Checker and Request SKUs to update modules.
In Business Manager, select Administration, and then select Roles and Permissions. To add the Digital River modules to a role, click the role you want to modify (or create a new one). Then click one or more checkboxes to select the Business Manager modules for that role.
In the next menu, add the Write permission to the Digital River group as indicated below.
See Business Manager for more information about Digital River modules.
Lastly, the order status update job must be able to access the order to update the status of the order properly. To enable this job to function properly, you must change the site settings.
Select Merchant Tools, select Site Preferences, and click Order.
Set Limit Storefront Order Access to No.
Last updated