Extend the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge

Extend the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge.

You can extend the functionality and features of the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge to meet your integration needs. Read the following section to learn how you can do this.

Custom code

SFRA version templates

This section describes changes applied to the most recent templates provided with the cartridge. In addition, the section describes changes that may need to be made to templates to support specific client use cases and integration choices.

The following templates and their changes are described in this section:

Add payment

Use the add payment (addPayment.isml) template to add payment cards to the customer's account. You can use the template to add Drop-in payments functionality (DigitalRiver.js) and Drop-in payments in styles (DigitalRiver.css), as well as place Drop-in payments on an account page.

Template: cartridge/templates/default/account/payment/addPayment.isml

Added this Digital River script to provide Drop-in payments functionality on the page and apply related changes to Drop-in payments' styles.

<script src="https://js.digitalriverws.com/v1/DigitalRiver.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.digitalriverws.com/v1/css/DigitalRiver.css" type="text/css"/>

Applied the changes to Drop-in payments' styles.


Added the following condition inside the card-body div.

<iscomment> Include Digital River Drop-in </iscomment>
<isset name="useDigitalRiverDropIn" value="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}" scope="page" />
<isif condition="${useDigitalRiverDropIn}">
    <isinclude template="account/payment/dropinForm"/>
    <isinclude url="${URLUtils.url('DigitalRiver-DisplayCompliance', 'complianceId', 'compliancePayment')}" />
<iscomment> Default Payment form </iscomment>
    <isinclude template="account/payment/paymentForm"/>
<iscomment> Default Payment form </iscomment>
    <isinclude template="account/payment/paymentForm"/>

Added the following code:

<isif condition="${pdict.drCustomerError}">
    <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
        <p class="error-message-text">${pdict.drCustomerError}</p>


Dashboard profile cards

Use the dashboard profile cards (dashboardProfileCards.isml) template to add a Digital River Tax Certificates section to your Profile Dashboard page. The following image shows the out-of-the-box (OOTB) Dashboard Profile Dashboard page for Salesforce B2C Link Cartridge.

When you apply the dashboard profile cards template, it adds Tax Certificates.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/account/dashboardProfileCards.isml

Added the Digital River tax certificate section on the page. In this example, tax certificates are displayed in My account only for the US locale. This section is available for US locale only.

<!---Digital River Tax Certificates--->
<isif condition "${pdict.localeCountry === 'US'}">
    <isinclude template="digitalriver/account/drTaxCertificateCard"/>

Cart totals

Use the cart totals (cartTotals.isml) template to include the Digital River Order Summary section on your Checkout page.

Template: cartridge/templates/default/cart/cartTotals.isml

Included the Digital River Taxations section in the cart totals template after the discount section.

<!-- Digital River Taxations -->
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}">
    <isif condition="${pdict.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || pdict.totals.duty.value !== 0}">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-8">
                <p>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.duty','digitalriver', null)}</p>
            <div class="col-4">
                <p class="text-right duty-total">${pdict.totals.duty.formatted}</p>
    <isif condition="${pdict.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || pdict.totals.importerTax.value !== 0}">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-8">
                <p>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.importerTax','digitalriver', null)}</p>
            <div class="col-4">
                <p class="text-right importerTax-total">${pdict.totals.importerTax.formatted}</p>
    <isif condition="${pdict.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || pdict.totals.totalFees.value !== 0}">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-8">
                <p>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.totalFees','digitalriver', null)}</p>
            <div class="col-4">
                <p class="text-right totalFees-total">${pdict.totals.totalFees.formatted}</p>

Payment options summary

As part of Billing, you can use the payment options summary template (paymentOptionsSummary.isml) to extend the payment condition with the DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN payment method on the Checkout page.

Template path: cartridge\templates\default\checkout\billing\paymentOptions\paymentOptionsSummary.isml

This change extended the payment condition with the ‘DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN’ payment method.

<iselseif condition="${payment.paymentMethod === 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN'}" />
    <isinclude template="checkout/billing/paymentOptions/dropInSummary" />


Use the billing (billing.isml) template to add accordion components to the Billing page. The following image shows the out-of-the-box (OOTB) Payment section of the Checkout page for Salesforce B2C Link Cartridge.

When you apply the dashboard profile cards template, it adds the ability to choose whether the purchase is tax-exempt and the payment method.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/billing/billing.isml

Added the accordion components to the billing page. In this example, accordion billing is used by extending the tag with id="accordionBilling".

<div class="accordion" id="accordionBilling" data-digital-cart="${pdict.isDigitalCart}">

Introduced a new templated purchase site within the parent template.

<isinclude template=

Extended the Digital River tax identifier section <div> tag with the dr-accordion-card class and the remove wrap expression in highlighted code.

<div id="tax-id-accordion" class="dr-accordion-card ${pdict.digitalRiverUseTaxIdentifier ? '' : 'hidden'}">

Added accordion components to the billing page.

<iscomment> Digital River accordion section </iscomment>
<isif condition="${pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature}">
     ude Add Tax certificate modal window component
<isinclude template="digitalriver/checkout/billing/drTaxCertificateModal" />

Modified tag with the following line:

<div class="dr-accordion-card-header ${pdict.order.totals.isZeroTotal ? 'digitalriver-hide' : ''}" id="headingPayment">

Stored payment instruments

Use the stored payment instruments (storedPaymentInstruments.isml) template to display the stored payment instruments on the Billing page as a list of saved payment cards in the customer's account.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/billing/storedPaymentInstruments.isml

Added the following code at the beginning of the file:

<isset name="isDRDropInEnabled" value="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}" scope="page" />
<div class="invalid-feedback" id="savedPaymentNotSelectedMessage">${Resource.msg('error.select.stored.card', 'digitalriver', null)}</div>

Extended the card-image class condition as follows:

<img class="card-image" src="${paymentInstrument.cardTypeImage.src}" alt="${paymentInstrument.cardTypeImage.alt}">

Wrapped the security-code-input div with the following condition:

<isif condition="${!isDRDropInEnabled}"> <iscomment> Digital River - if enabled no cvv needed thus pictures are always shown instead of input </iscomment>
    <div class="security-code-input ${loopState.first ? '' : 'checkout-hidden'}">
        <label class="form-control-label" for="saved-payment-security-code">${Resource.msg('label.credit.card-security.code','checkout',null)}</label>
… security-code-unput goes here


Use the standard confirmation (confirmation.isml) template for the B2C LINK Cartridge to include the Digital River compliance statement.

The customer should agree to the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Policy of Digital River and set the check box to complete an order. For more information on the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Policy of Digital River, visit the Digital River Legal Documentation website.

Compliance links are required to be displayed several different places throughout the storefront. The out-of-the-box (OOTB) cartridge displays the compliance links in all required locations. Consult your Digital River Project Manager before making modifications for your storefront. For more detailed information on the purpose of the compliance links, visit Compliance on the Digital River Legal Documentation website.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/confirmation/confirmation.isml

Added the DigitalRiver.js script to the page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.digitalriverws.com/v1/DigitalRiver.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.digitalriverws.com/v1/css/DigitalRiver.css" type="text/css"/>

Added the Digital River compliance section to the page.

<div class="row">
    <div class="${pdict.returningCustomer ? 'col-sm-6 offset-sm-3' : 'col-sm-6 offset-sm-3 offset-md-0 pull-md-6' }">
        <isinclude template="digitalriver/compliance" />

Added a Digital River styles file.


Added an includeof delayedPaymentInstructions (first highlighted section).

<isinclude template="digitalriver/delayedPaymentInstructions" />

Added an include of delayedPaymentInstructions (second highlighted section).

<isif condition="${pdict.returningCustomer}">
    <isinclude template="digitalriver/delayedPaymentInstructions" />


Use the checkout (checkout.isml) template to add Digital River styles, the Drop-in styles, and the check box to confirm agreement with the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Policy of Digital River to the Checkout page when the customer is ready to place an order. The customer should agree to the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Policy of Digital River and set the check box to complete the order.

Template: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/checkout.isml

Added the Digital River Drop-in styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.digitalriverws.com/v1/css/DigitalRiver.css" type="text/css"/>

Included the Digital River styles.


Added a spinner inside the placeOrderstage condition. When Shopper is in placeOrder stage, they will see a spinner running until the place order stage executes.


Added the Digital River confirm disclosure checkbox to the checkout page.

<isinclude template="digitalriver/confirmDisclosure" />

Modified the button to submit shipping.

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block submit-shipping" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit-shipping" <isif condition="${(pdict.order.usingMultiShipping && !pdict.order.shippable) || pdict.drCustomerError}">disabled</isif>>

Added a condition that will control the submit payment button display.

<isset name="submitPaymentShow" value="${!pdict.digitalRiverUseDropInFeature || (pdict.customer.registeredUser && pdict.customer.customerPaymentInstruments.length) || pdict.order.totals.isZeroTotal  ? '' : 'digitalriver-hide'}" scope="page" />
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block submit-payment ${submitPaymentShow}" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit-payment" data-saved-payments="${pdict.customer.registeredUser && pdict.customer.customerPaymentInstruments.length}">

Added a reference to the drPlaceOrder isml template.

<isinclude template="digitalriver/checkout/placeOrder/drPlaceOrder" />

Added the Digital River compliance section to the checkout page.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12 next-step-button">
        <div class="mb-sm-3" id="ch">
            <isinclude url="${URLUtils.url('DigitalRiver-DisplayCompliance', 'complianceId', 'checkoutCompliance')}" />

Added a display for an error message.

<p class="error-message-text">
       	   <isif condition="${pdict.errorMessage}">${pdict.errorMessage}</isif>

Added the following code to display a customer related error:

<isif condition="${pdict.drCustomerError}">
    <div class="alert alert-danger dr-customer-error" role="alert">
        <p class="error-message-text">${pdict.drCustomerError}</p>

Order total summary

Use the order total summary (orderTotalSummary.isml) template to add the Digital River Taxations section to your Checkout page.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/orderTotalSummary.isml

Added the "Sales Tax" information text as conditional HTML content.

<isif condition="${dw.order.TaxMgr.getTaxationPolicy() !== dw.order.TaxMgr.TAX_POLICY_GROSS}">
    <div class="row leading-lines sales-tax-item">

        … 'Sales Tax' html content goes here


Added the Digital River Taxations section.

<!--- Digital River Taxations --->
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature')}">
    <div class="row leading-lines duty-item ${!pdict.order.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax && pdict.order.totals.duty.value === 0 ? 'hide-order-discount': ''}">
        <div class="col-6 start-lines">
            <p class="order-receipt-label"><span>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.duty','digitalriver', null)}</span></p>
        <div class="col-6 end-lines">
            <p class="text-right"><span class="duty-total">${pdict.order.totals.duty.formatted}</span></p>
    <div class="row leading-lines importerTax-item ${!pdict.order.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax && pdict.order.totals.importerTax.value === 0 ? 'hide-order-discount': ''}">
        <div class="col-6 start-lines">
            <p class="order-receipt-label"><span>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.importerTax','digitalriver', null)}</span></p>
        <div class="col-6 end-lines">
            <p class="text-right"><span class="importerTax-total">${pdict.order.totals.importerTax.formatted}</span></p>
    <div class="row leading-lines totalFees-item ${!pdict.order.totals.isImporterOfRecordTax && pdict.order.totals.totalFees.value === 0 ? 'hide-order-discount': ''}">
        <div class="col-6 start-lines">
            <p class="order-receipt-label"><span>${Resource.msg('label.order.sales.totalFees','digitalriver', null)}</span></p>
        <div class="col-6 end-lines">
            <p class="text-right"><span class="totalFees-total">${pdict.order.totals.totalFees.formatted}</span></p>

Added the Digital River gross site VAT info to the end of the file.

<!--- Digital River Gross Site VAT Info --->
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('drUseDropInFeature') && dw.order.TaxMgr.getTaxationPolicy() === dw.order.TaxMgr.TAX_POLICY_GROSS}">
    <isif condition="${!pdict.order.orderNumber}">
        <p class="vat-msg vat-included-msg ${pdict.order.totals.drTaxDiscountTotal.value === 0  ? '': 'hidden'}">
            ${Resource.msg('msg.vat.included', 'digitalriver', null)}
        <p class="vat-msg vat-exempted-msg ${pdict.order.totals.drTaxDiscountTotal.value === 0  ? 'hidden': ''}">
            <span class="vat-exempted-value">${pdict.order.totals.drTaxDiscountTotal.formatted}</span> ${Resource.msg('msg.vat.exempted', 'digitalriver', null)}
    <isif condition="${pdict.vatReflectMsg}">
        <p class="vat-msg vat-reflect-msg">${pdict.vatReflectMsg}</p>


Use the Payment (payment.isml) template to add a payment section to to your Checkout page.

Template path: cartridge/templates/default/checkout/payment.isml

Add the following code on lines 14-18, line 41:

<isif condition="${pdict.drCustomerError}">
    <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
        <p class="error-message-text">${pdict.drCustomerError}</p>


SFRA version client scripts

This section describes the changes applied to the most recent client scripts provided with the cartridge. In addition, the section describes changes that you may need to may need to be make to the client scripts to support your specific use cases and integration choices.

The following scripts and their changes are described in this section:

Checkout script

The checkout (checkout.js) script is loaded on the Checkout page and includes the page frontend event handler. The script loads the base event handler (checkout.js) and additionally loads the Digital River US Tax Certificate handler (drCertificate.js) on the shipping stage of the checkout and the Global Tax ID handler (drTaxId.js) on the billing stage of checkout.

Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout.js

Included the additional scripts on the checkout page.


Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/checkout.js

The checkout script (checkout.js) is loaded on the Checkout page and includes a basic page frontend event handler. The changes introduced by this script extend the base functionality to correctly handle Digital River extensions.

Added the following line at the beginning of the file:

var drHelper = require('./drHelper');

Added the retrieve stored card global variable at the beginning of the checkout function.

// --- Digital River Retrieve Stored Card ---
var drStoredPayment = null;

Added the following code to the shipping submit success handler.

if (!data.error && data.digitalRiverConfiguration) {
    $('body').trigger('digitalRiver:dropIn', data.digitalRiverConfiguration); // Digital River integration: call dropIn feature after checkoutCreate
    $('body').trigger('digitalRiver:taxIdentifier', data.digitalRiverTaxIdConfig);
    $('body').trigger('digitalRiver:taxCertificate', data.digitalRiverTaxExemptData);

Added the following code to the Retrieve stored card section.

drStoredPayment = null; // --- Digital River Retrieve Stored Card --de

Extended the code as follows.

var paymentMethod = $('.payment-information').data('payment-method-id');
if (paymentMethod === 'CREDIT_CARD' || paymentMethod === 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN') { // Extended by Digital River Drop-in integration
if ($('.saved-payment-instrument.selected-payment').length === 0) {
    return defer;

Added the following code to the Retrieve stored card section.

// --- Digital River Retrieve Stored Card ---
drStoredPayment = $savedPaymentInstrument.data('uuid')

Extended the billing code as follows:


Extended the code as follows:


Wrapped the contents of the placeOrder stage function.

// --- Digital River Retrieve Stored Card ---
var placeOrder = function (defer) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
//Digital River - 2.6 - Redirect Flow
if (!$('.DR-place-order').data('dr-order-placed') && !$('.DR-place-order').data('dr-redirect-success'))
drHelper.handleDROrderPlacement(defer, placeOrder);
//End Digital River - 2.6 - Redirect Flow
else {

… 'placeOrder' stage content goes here 

if (data.digitalRiverConfiguration) {
$('body').trigger('digitalRiver:updateDropIn', data.digitalRiverConfiguration);

… 'placeOrder' stage content goes here 

drHelper.retrieveStoredCard(drStoredPayment, defer, placeOrder);

Added the following code to the shipping submit success handler.

$('body').trigger('digitalRiver:taxCertificate', data.digitalRiverTaxExemptData);

Added to ensure that the proper redirection takes place after returning from payment.

//Digital River - 2.6 - Redirect Flow
       $(document).ready(function () {

Billing script

Use the billing.js script to extend the checkout script functionality.

Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/billing.js

Modified the following and also modified row (see highlighted area).

$('[name$=' + element + ']', form).val(attrs[attr]).trigger('change');

The default storefront on the Checkout page uses the payment instruments (paymentInstruments.js) script. This JavaScript includes the frontend handler for payment cards. This frontend JavaScript must be completed and compiled before used on the site. When this JavaScript is loaded on the Checkout page, the script loads the base handler (paymentInstruments.js) and additionally loads the handler for the Digital River payment cards (paymentInstrumentsDropIn.js).

Used proccessInclude to extend the default paymentInstruments.js script. Once compiled, the paymentInstrumentsDropIn.js extends the Checkout page to display the available payment methods. The script contains functions to launch Drop-in, handle errors, and handle submitted payments.

Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/billing.js

if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) return;

Edit the updatePaymentInformation as follows:

if (order.billing.payment && order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments
        && order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments.length > 0) {
        if (order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].paymentType === 'creditCard') {
            htmlToAppend += '<span>' + order.resources.cardType + ' '
                + order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].type
                + '</span><div>'
                + order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].maskedCreditCardNumber
                + '</div><div><span>'
                + order.resources.cardEnding + ' '
                + order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].expirationMonth
                + '/' + order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].expirationYear
                + '</span></div>';
        } else if (order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].paymentMethod !== 'DIGITAL_RIVER_Z`

Modify the selectBillingAddress function. An example is shown in line 267 of the following screenshot:

$('[name$=' + element + ']', form).val(attrs[attr]).trigger('change');

Add the clearCreditCardForm function content and include the following condition:

if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) return;

Add the handleCreditCardNumber function and include the following condition:

if ($('.cardNumber').length === 0) return;

Add the following condition inside the selectSavedPaymentInstrument function.

if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) { // Digital River - if enabled no cvv needed thus pictures are always shown instead of input
} else {
    $('.saved-payment-instrument .card-image').removeClass('checkout-hidden');
    $('.saved-payment-instrument .security-code-input').addClass('checkout-hidden');
        + ' .card-image').addClass('checkout-hidden');
    $('.saved-payment-instrument.selected-payment '
        + '.security-code-input').removeClass('checkout-hidden');

Add the following code to the addNewPaymentInstrument function:

// Digital River Drop-in section
if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) {
    $('.drop-in-container').removeClass('checkout-hidden'); // show drop-in form to enter new payment
    $('.submit-payment').addClass('digitalriver-hide'); // next step will be launched from drop-in button instead

Add the following code to the canceNewPayment function:

// Digital River Drop-in section
if ($('#dropInContainer').data('enabled')) {

Summary script

Use the summary.js script to extend the checkout script functionality that provides order summary information. For more information on this script and how it is used with the Customer Credit, refer to Use Customer Credit and Customize the Customer Credit Cartridge.

Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/summary.js

Add summary info rows (highlighted section).

/if (totals.drTaxDiscountTotal && Math.abs(totals.drTaxDiscountTotal.value) >= 0.01) {
} else {

Add rows (highlighted section).

if (totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || (totals.duty && totals.duty.value > 0)) {
    } else {

    if (totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || (totals.importerTax && totals.importerTax.value > 0)) {
    } else {

    if (totals.isImporterOfRecordTax || (totals.totalFees && totals.totalFees.value > 0)) {
    } else {

Added the following code:

if (totals.isZeroTotal) {
    $('.payment-instruments-container').data('payment-method-id', 'DIGITAL_RIVER_ZERO_PAYMENT');
} else {
    $('.payment-instruments-container').data('payment-method-id', 'DIGITAL_RIVER_DROPIN');
    if (!$('.submit-payment').data('saved-payments')) {

Shipping script

Use the shipping.js script to extend the checkout functionality.

Script path: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/shipping.js

Added the required references.

'use strict";
var addressHelpers = require('base/checkout/address');
var addressHelpers = require('base/checkout/shipping');

Modified the updateMultiShipInformation function with the following condition on line 20:

if (!$drCustomerError.length) {
    $submitShippingBtn.prop('disabled', null);

The shipping.js script has been updated so that the Ajax call to load shipping methods is not triggered if a shopper successfully submits payment.

Wrap the ajax call in an if statement as follows:

… code to load shipping methods

Drop-in data handlers

Use the cartridge's Digital River API endpoints and Digital River Drop-in payments external script to handle client payments. The DigitalRiver.http.service shares one profile and one credential.


Use the dropinHelper.js to configure specific payment data used by Drop-in payments.

Path: int_digitalriver\cartridge\scripts\digitalRiver\dropinHelper.js

You can use use the following elements in dropinHelper.js to configure the payment data.

  • switch(source.type)—saves payment data (for example, creditCard) from Drop-in payments to the customer's wallet where it can be used the next time the customer goes to the Checkout page.

  • switch(paymentType)—returns object with specific fields from the SFCC paymentInstrument object.

  • switch(source.type)—returns object with specific fields from the Drop-In response object.


Use the payments.js script to add specific attributes to the core payment object. Templates and client-side scripts (JSON) use this object.

Path: int_digitalriver_sfra\cartridge\models\payment.js

  • extendDigitalRiverInfo—extract data (such as paymentType, maskedCreditCardNumber, and so on) and makes it available in templates or the client-side as JSON.

Webhook handler

The webhook handler consists of a controller, a helper script, and a handler script.

  • Endpoint URL structure: {sandbox}/{site}/{locale}/HooksObserver-Debug

  • Example of endpoint URL: https://zzrk-032.sandbox.us01.dx.commercecloud.salesforce.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-DR-SFRA-Net-Site/en_US/HooksObserver-Debug


Use the following steps to use the controller portion of the handler:

File: cartridges/int_digitalriver/cartridge/controllers/HooksObserver.js

Step 1: Catch request data

// get the hook data
var drSignature = request.getHttpHeaders().get('digitalriver-signature') || '';
var requestBodyAsString = request.httpParameterMap.getRequestBodyAsString() || '{}';
var hook = JSON.parse(requestBodyAsString);
var hookType = hook.type ? hook.type : 'error';
var hookHandlerResponse;
var checkSignature = drHooksHelper.checkSignature(drSignature, requestBodyAsString);

Step 2: Use helper script to log request data

// log info
var DRLogger = logger.getLogger("drWebhooks", hookType); // hook type, e.g. refund.pending

Step 3: Check the signature and handle hook

// check signature
if (checkSignature.error) {
    hookType = 'error';
    // handle hook with error log
    hookHandlerResponse = drHooksHandler.default(hookType, hook.data);
} else if (drHooksHandler[hookType]) {    // signature is ok, handle hooks
    hookHandlerResponse = drHooksHandler[hookType](hook.data);
} else {
    hookHandlerResponse = drHooksHandler.default(hookType, hook.data);

Step 4: Send an email

Individual handlers, not the controller, can optionally send an email.

// email section
drHooksHelper.sendTechnicalMail(hookType + ' request')

Step 5: Return the response

// response

Helper script

Use the helper script part of the controller to:

  • Send an email (sendTechnicalMail(title, content)).

    • Set the email address in Business Manager site preferences

  • Check the received request (checkSignature(signature, requestBodyAsString)).

    • Set webhook signature token in Business Manager site preferences. Otherwise, the handler returns an error and 500 response code. You can find the webhook signature token under Signing secret under Webhooks in the Dashboard.

File: cartridges/int_digitalriver/cartridge/scripts/digitalRiver/hooksObserver/drHooksHelper.js

Handler script

Use the handler script where custom handling is needed. The handler script contains simple examples of handlers, which can be modified and extended for custom handling. Examples are provided for the following event types:

  • refund.pending

  • refund.complete

If the hookType (webhook's event type) is set in the request body (see Step 1: Catch request data in Controller), the handler script handles events by the event type and returns a 200 OK response.

If a handler with a selected hookType does not exist or if the hookType is not set, the “default” handler is used and processes all other types and returns 200 response code.

If an error occurs, the handler returns a 500 response code.

To add a handler for a specific event type, simply create a function with a data attribute that returns a response code (for example, 200) and add a function name to the module.exports object.

File: cartridgees/int_digitalriver/cartridge/scripts/digitalRiver/hooksObserver/drHooksHandler.js

Creating webhooks

To receive a notification when an event occurs (for example, when a refund occurs), create a webhook for that event in the Digital River Dashboard.

  1. Sign in to the Digital River Dashboard.

  2. Click Webhooks.

Last updated