Configure currency rates

Learn how to use Digital River as the currency rate provider.

You can configure Adobe Commerce to use Digital River as the currency service provider. With Digital River as the currency rate provider, populating all native Adobe Commerce rates, you can manually import the rates or schedule a more convenient time to import them.

Manually import currency rates

To manually import currency rates:

  1. From the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel, select Stores> Currency Rates. The Currency Rates panel appears.

  2. Select Digital River from the Import Service drop-down and click Import.

  3. Click Save Currency Rates.

Schedule imports of currency rates

To schedule the currency rate import using the native scheduled import function:

  1. From the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel, select Stores> Configuration> General> Currency Setup.

  2. Click the section expand caret ( ^ ) in the Scheduled Import Settings section of the Currency Setup page. The Scheduled Import settings appear.

  3. Set the following scheduled import settings:




    Store View

    Specifies whether a scheduled import is enabled for currency rates.

    Options: Yes or No.


    Store View

    Specifies the service that provides the data for the scheduled import.

    Default value:

    Start Time

    Store View

    Specifies the import start time by hour, minute, and second, based on a 24-hour clock.


    Store View

    Determines how often the scheduled import takes place.

    Options: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

    Error Email Recipient

    Store View

    Identifies the email address of each person notified by email about scheduled import errors. For multiple recipients, separate each entry with a comma.

    Error Email Sender


    Identifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the error email notification.

    Default sender: General Contact.

    Error Email Template


    Specifies the template used as the basis of the error email notification. Default template: Currency Update Warnings.

  4. Click Save Config.

Last updated