Configure allowed shipping countries
Learn how to configure which countries that products will be shipped from.
As part of setting up dynamic pricing, configure the extension to restrict the allowed shipping countries list while allowing the billing country list to follow Adobe Commerce's native configuration.
By selecting specific countries, you use only those countries as choices available within dropdowns on the cart and checkout pages for shipping addresses. The countries must also be on the Allowed Countries list.
Billing address restrictions are determined by Adobe Commerce's native Stores> Configuration> General> Allow Countries lists.
Enable the restriction of shipping countries.
To add restrictions to the allowed shipping countries list, complete the following:
Select Stores, select Configuration, and click Digital River Settings.
Click Dynamic Pricing. The Dynamic Pricing settings page appears.
Select the countries to be available from the Allowed Shipping Countries list as follows:
Use CTRL-Click to select separate countries from the country drop-down list.
Use SHIFT-Click to select groups of consecutive countries from the drop-down list.
Click Save Config.
Disable the restriction of shipping countries
To disable the ability to make restrictions to the allowed shipping countries list, do the following:
Select Stores, select Configuration, and click Digital River Settings.
Click Dynamic Pricing. The Dynamic Pricing settings page appears.
Click Save Config.
Last updated