Payment methods

Learn how payment methods interact with the Magento Extension.

The following topics describe how the payment methods interact with the Magento Extension:

Credit Card, PayPal, Direct Debit, Online Banking, Klarna

Order purchase flow exception handling

Shopper & cart created:

  • 400— “invalid-request”, the DrPay extension will ensure a proper payload.

  • 409— “resource-already-exists”, the DrPay extension, in the case of guest checkout, will create a new Digital River shopper each time to avoid a conflict. All users created will first be created in the Magento application and then created in the Digital River application. If a user is created in Magento without being created in Digital River it will only create an error if the shopper attempts to use a stored credit card the 2nd time through the order flow. If no saved cart was used Digital River will reattempt to create the user during their next purchase.

  • 500— The shopper will not be able to check out and will encounter a fatal error when attempting to place their order. Shopper-facing error message: "Unable to Place Order".

Payment authorized:

  • 400— All payment authorization failures will display the message: “Unable to Place Order“.

  • 409— “invalid_token”, if during the checkout the token is invalid for any reason, an error will occur upon trying to place their order: “Unable to Place Order“

  • 500— Service unavailable will result in an “Unable to Place Order” error message.

Order fraud flow

Wire Transfer (delayed payments)

Last updated