Configure the Magento Extension

Learn how to configure the Digital River Global Commerce v. 2.1.1 Extension for Magento.

A Digital River account is required to use this extension. If you do not have a Digital River account, contact

Step 1: Retrieve API credentials from the Digital River dashboard

The Digital River dashboard is your portal to your Digital River account. Dashboard is where you retrieve your API keys, view Payouts, or search API logs.

Sign in to Dashboard. On the API keys page, make note of the Standard keys and Restricted keys. You will use these keys in Step 2. See Getting your API keys in the Dashboard documentation for instructions on retrieving your API credentials.

Step 2: Configure the Digital River admin settings in Magento

Step 2a: Configure general settings

  1. From the Magento Admin Panel, select Stores, select Configuration, select Digital River Settings, and then click General Settings.

  2. Click Configuration to expand it and complete the following fields:

Step 2b: Catalog sync settings

  1. Click Catalog Sync Settings to expand it and complete the fields:

  2. Click Save Config when you are finished.

Step 3: Configure the payment method settings

Since Digital River acts as the Merchant of Record on all transactions, payment methods must be configured by Digital River. Work with your Digital River representative to configure the selection and display of payment methods in the Digital River Drop-in payment integration. Enabling Digital River payment methods and other payment methods on the configuration page for the same store will result in failures.

From the Magento Admin panel, select Stores, select Configuration, select Sales, select Payment Methods, and then make the following selections:

  • Select Check/Money Order. Then set Enabled to No.

  • Select Cash On Delivery Payment. Then set Enabled to No.

  • Select Bank Transfer Payment. Then set Enabled to No.

  • Select Purchase Order. Then set Enabled to No.

  • Select Digital River Payment. Then set Enabled to Yes.

Step 4: Configure other store settings in Magento

From the Magento Admin panel, select Stores, then select Configuration.

  • Select General, and then select Store Information. By default, your store address will be used as your ship from address for all transactions.

  • Select Sales, and then select Multishipping Settings. Then click No for Allow Shipping to Multiple Addresses.

Configuring taxes

The Digital River Global Commerce v. 2.1.1 Extension for Magento is responsible for providing the end tax calculation for the shopper navigating the checkout. The extension supports both tax-inclusive and tax-exclusive pricing models and handles all remittance and tax liabilities to local governments globally. The transactional tax is not calculated until after the shopper confirms their billing and shipping address. Digital River does not support or allow the display of tax calculations that are not provided by Digital River. To ensure estimated tax and tax display is consistent throughout the pre-checkout pages, Digital River recommends the following configurations for tax, based on pricing models.

Note: Each Magento website or store should be tax-exclusive or tax-inclusive for all products and shipping. One store should not use both or a mixture of inclusive and exclusive pricing.

Note: The Magento Extension for Digital River cannot be used with other Magento tax partners.

Tax settings

To ensure the correct display of taxes in all situations, configure your Magento tax settings as follows:

  1. Select Stores, select Configuration, select Sales, and then click Tax.

Tax exclusive settings

To display tax exclusive values in your catalog, order summary, and checkout, configure your settings as follows:

  1. Select Stores, select Configuration, select Sales, select Tax, and then click Calculation Settings.

  2. All prices in the catalog must be exclusive of tax.

Tax Inclusive settings

To display tax inclusive values in your catalog, order summary, and checkout, configure your settings as follows:

  1. On the same Tax page, click to expand the Price Display Settings section, the Shopping Cart Display Settings section, and the Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos Display Settings section. In each section, update the configuration to Including Tax.

Configuring products

Map all Magento Product SKUs to Digital River. For testing purposes only, you can assign a single Digital River SKU to any Magento demo product to allow for full end-to-end testing on your Magento demo store: “123123”. You must share all your SKU values with Digital River for Digital River to configure our payment gateway.

Note: For all Digital River-initiated demo instances, any Magento product with SKU set to “123123” will work for end-to-end checkout.

Select Catalog, then select Products. Click Edit at the right end of the listed product you wish to edit to open a new page. Scroll down to the Digital River section and click to expand the section. For each product, you must define the following values prior to launching a live storefront. These values will be imported into the Digital River SKU Service and the data will be used to ensure proper taxation.

Note: Every product sold via the Digital River Extension for Magento will be considered Taxable Goods in the Magento production configuration screen.

Manual catalog sync

The catalog will sync according to your Catalog Sync Settings, however, you can also sync your catalog manually. Select Catalog, then click Catalog Sync Grid, and then click Manual Sync To Digital River.

Catalog sync error handling

Based on the response from Digital River the individual records in the dr_sync_queue will be updated as follows:

On success

  1. The synced_to_dr_at will be updated with the timestamp in the response field updatedTime.

  2. The status will be updated to Success.

  3. Response_data will be updated with the response received back from Digital River.

On failure

  1. The synced_to_dr_at will be updated with the timestamp in the response field updatedTime.

  2. The status will be updated to Fail or Pending, depending on the error response code as listed below, and the Failure Response JSON node will be logged in the response_data column for tracking purposes.

    • For the 500 error, the status will be left Pending so that the next time the scheduler starts it will try again to sync the data.

    • For the 400 error, the status will be updated to Fail.

  3. The merchant must update the product data based on the error response against that queue row. When the merchant updates the data from Admin, the product will again get added in the queue with the status Pending, and will get synched to Digital River.

  4. If there is a failure during the sync, even for a single record, then take note at the end of the sync process and try one of these adjustments, depending on the cause of failure:

    • Update the product to resolve the error.

    • Retry the sync.

Note: to prevent double taxation, all of your Tax and Display settings must be set to Excluding Tax.

Enabling landed cost

Landed costs represent the entire cost a customer must pay to purchase a product from one country and have it shipped to an address in another country. It includes product price, shipping, taxes, duties, and fees. Digital River provides an estimated landed cost for you to display to the customer and adds the cost to the order total. Digital River remits those landed costs to you. Your fulfiller relays the order to your carrier, who completes the customs paperwork, ships the package to the destination country, pays the duties and taxes on behalf of your customer, and invoices you for performing the service.

To take advantage of the landed cost feature, you'll need to complete the following steps:

  • Verify your fulfiller ships packages outside their country (not all fulfillers provide this service).

  • Verify your carrier offers this service. In other words, does the carrier prepay the landed costs on behalf of the customer and send the invoice to you.

  • Sign an addendum in your Digital River contract to enable landed costs.

  • Specify the hsCode parameter, which represents the Harmonized System code, when creating new SKUs or performing update or upsert operations on the SKUs in your catalog.

  • Define the cross-border patterns (that is, the ship-to countries) where you want to collect landed costs.

  • Provide samples of completed customs forms to Digital River's Compliance department for approval.

  • Provide your Account Manager with a list of the ship from and ship to countries for which you want to enable the collection of landed costs.

  • Once the feature is configured and set up, we calculate, collect, and apply landed costs to orders that contain physical goods and are shipped across borders to approved countries.

Terms of sale, privacy policy, and acceptance check box during checkout

Since Digital River is the Merchant of Record on all transactions, our Terms of Sale, Privacy Policy, and other links must be present on checkout. No configuration is required by the client since Digital River dynamically determines the appropriate Digital River selling entity for each order and displays the appropriate language, links, and checkboxes.

Configuring a second website, store, or store view

The Digital River Extension for Magento is configurable by the website in the Magento Admin Panel interface. This enables administrators to offer different payment methods and different currencies to different regions.

The only field that changes is the Base Configuration locale field. Digital River will provide the locale needed to meet your language, payment, and currency requirements. Payments are also configurable via Drop-in by the website.

See Set up multiple websites, stores, and store views in the Admin for additional information.

Localizations and Translations

All content displayed via the Digital River Extension can be modified by adding an /i18n directory to the DrPay folder. By default the extension supports the following languages: [en, es, it, fr, sv, da, fi, cs, pl, hu, de, nl, pt, nl, fr] /app/code/Digitalriver/DrPay/i18n.

After translation files are added or updated, rerun the upgrade command: $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade

To ensure translated text is reflected on the Magento website or store view, it is important to update the locale option for that website or store view via the general Magento settings: Select Stores, then Configuration, then General, and then click Locale Options.

Last updated