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Last updated
The Shipments resource describes one or more shipments in a fulfillment order.
Get all shipments
A filter on the list based on the createdTime field. The value can be a string with an ISO-8601 UTC format datetime or it can be a dictionary with the following options:
A filter on the list based on the updatedTime field. The value can be a string with an ISO-8601 UTC format datetime or it can be a dictionary with the following options:
A cursor for use in pagination. The endingBefore parameter is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with xyz your subsequent calls can include endingBefore=xyz in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
A cursor for use in pagination. The startingAfter parameter is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with xyz, your subsequent calls can include startingAfter=xyz in order to fetch the next page of the list.
A limit on the number of objects returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
Only return objects with these IDs.
Retrieves the details of a shipment. You must supply the unique identifier of the shipment.
Shipment identifier.