Manage a subscription
Update the subscription's expiration date
This method updates the subscription's expiration date by including its subscription ID in the {subId} URI path parameter.
The subscription's ID.
The subscription expiration date in "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000Z", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000-0500", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000+1100".
Cancel a subscription
This method cancels a subscription by including the subscripton ID in the {subId} URI path parameter. Once completed, the Subscription state changes to Cancelled.
The subscription's ID.
The clients can use this element to suppress cancel notification email.By default this is false.
Activate a subscription
This method activates a subscription by including the ID in the {subId} URI path parameter. Once complete, the Subscription state changes from PendingActivation to Subscribed.
The subscription's ID.
The subscription activation key
The subscription activation date in "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000Z", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000-0500", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000+1100".
The subscription expiration date in "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000Z", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000-0500", "2020-10-11T01:23:48.000+1100".
Last updated