Install the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge

Learn how to install the Salesforce B2C LINK cartridge.

You can install the Salesforce B2C LINK Cartridge in two easy steps:

Step 1: Set up the Business Manager

Importing cartridges

Note: The following steps detail how to deploy the cartridges using Salesforce UX Studio for Eclipse or Visual Studio. Alternatively, you can use Visual Studio Code with the Prophet Debugger extension or the command line interface.

  1. Establish a new digital server connection with your SFCC Instance.

  2. Wait until Studio completes the workspace build and uploads source codes to the sandbox.

Assigning cartridges to the site

  1. Sign in to the Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

  2. Select Administration, select Sites, and then Manage Sites.

  3. Return to the top level Administration page.

  4. Click the Settings tab. At the beginning of the Cartridges field, add the following: int_digitalriver_customercredit:int_digitalriver_sfra:int_digitalriver:int_digitalriver_webhooks:.

Step 2: Import metadata

Select Administration, select Site Development, and then click Site Import & Export. Upload the file from the metadata folder.

Select and finish the import process.

Note: We configured the metadata specifically for the RefArch site. If you have another site, unpack the zip file and rename the folder inside the Sites directory to exactly match your site ID. Then create a new zip archive from the digitalriverfolder and use it to import the metadata.


The zip file creates the initial configuration for the jobs used to send SKU data to Digital River. Once the file is imported, you must select Administration, select Operations, select Jobs, and then click the Job Steps Configuration tab and change the site Scope to your site ID. See the user guide for more information on jobs.

Additionally, you should schedule the jobs to run regularly. See the user guide for detailed information about each of the jobs.

Last updated