Step 5: Configure other store settings

Learn how to configure other store settings

Make the following selections to configure other store settings:

  1. From the Magento Admin panel, select Stores, then select Configuration.

  2. In Configuration, select Sales, and then select Shipping Settings. Enter your warehouse address in the Origin field. By default, this address will be used as your ship-from address for all transactions. Warning: Failure to provide this address will cause orders to fail. Note: As of 3.1.3, we added support to allow multiple shipping warehouses within a single order. This requires a custom observer implementation that you can use to manipulate addresses. Your Digital River Service Representative can provide additional details.

  3. Select Sales, and then select Multishipping Settings. Then click No for Allow Shipping to Multiple Addresses.

  4. Select Sales, and then select Checkout. Under Checkout Options, select Payment Method from the Display Billing Address On dropdown.

  5. In Configuration, select Sales, and then Orders Cron Settings. In the Pending Payment Order Lifetime field, Magento defaults to 480 minutes. This timeline, however, is not typically long enough for shoppers to wire their funds using redirect payment methods. It may also not be enough time for orders to be released from fraud hold. To work with this, Digital River recommends using 43,200 minutes (30 days) as your setting. This prevents Magento from cancelling orders before they have time to be completed. Refer to Pending Payment Order Lifetime in the Adobe Commerce documentation for more information.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Refresh your browser cache.