Step 2: Configure the Digital River admin settings

Learn how to configure the Digital River settings from the Magento Admin Panel.

Step 2a: Configure general settings

  1. From the Magento Admin Panel, select Stores, select Configuration, select Digital River Settings, and then click General Settings.

  2. Click Configuration to expand it and complete the following fields:

    • Enabled – Select Yes. By selecting Yes, you are electing to include all Digital River payments enabled in the Other Payment Methods section on the store checkout, and for all transactions to be sent and processed by Digital River per your contract. You must select Yes to use the Digital River extension.

    • Public Key – Enter the public API key provided by Digital River.

    • Secret Key – Enter the secret key provided by Digital River.

    • Enable debug logging – By selecting Yes, extension errors will log debugging data.

    • Disable automatic redirects

      • Enabled (recommended) – When a shopper chooses a payment method within Drop-in Payments, they will continue to the order confirmation screen where they will place their order. After the shopper submits their order, they will be redirected to the appropriate third-party payment page to complete the payment. Once payment is completed, the shopper will be redirected to the cart or Thank you page depending on the payment status.

      • Disabled (default) – When a shopper chooses a payment method within Drop-in Payments, they will be redirected immediately to the third-party payment page to complete the payment. Once payment is completed, the shopper will be redirected to the cart to complete their order. To complete the order, the shopper must click Place Order.

    • Static message - Enter the message you want to be displayed on invoice and credit memo pages created by Magento Admin Panel.

    • Permitted Checkout Error Codes - Select the error codes you want displayed to the shopper at checkout. Refer to Permitted checkout error codes for details on each code.

    • Default Selling Entity – Type the name of the appropriate selling entity provided by your Digital River representative. Digital River requires a shopper address in order to determine the correct store entity to select the correct compliance links to display on the checkout page. In cases when a customer address is not yet known, you can specify the Default Selling Entity that will be used for determining the correct compliance links. Use DR_INC-ENTITY if you are unsure what to use or contact Digital River customer support for assistance.

Step 2b: Configure catalog sync settings

  1. Click Catalog Sync Settings to expand it and complete the fields:

    • Catalog Sync Enabled–Select Yes. By selecting Yes, you are electing to sync your Magento catalog with the Digital River SKU Service. Ensure you have cron jobs set up and configured.

    • Start Time–Set a time of day (hour:minute:second) for the sync to occur.

    • Frequency–Set a frequency (Daily:Weekly:Monthly) for the sync to run.

    • Error Email Sender–This is the email address from which the error notification email will be sent.

    • Error Email Template–Choose your email template. Note: The default Catalog Sync Template contains file-level data that may not be included in other templates.

    • Enable Debug Mode–By selecting Yes, catalog syncing errors will log debugging data.

    • Error Log File Name–The file name for the error log file.

    • Error Notification Via Email–By selecting Yes, an email will be sent when there is an error in the catalog sync job.

    • Notification Email Address–Email address to which notifications will be sent.

    • Catalog Batch Size Sync Limit–The number of files that will sync with each sync job. The default is 250.

Step 2c: Configure stored payment methods

  1. Click Stored Payment Methods to expand it and complete the following fields:

    • Enable – Select Yes or No. By selecting Yes, you are electing to allow shoppers to store their payment methods for later use.

  2. Click Save Config when you are finished.