Configuring products

Learn how to configure products.

Map all Magento Product SKUs to Digital River. You must share all your SKU values with Digital River for Digital River to configure the payment gateway.

The API call executed for syncing products with the Digital River SKU Service is a PUT request as follows: PUT Because the SKU ID is part of the URL, SKU IDs must not contain spaces or special characters.

Note: SKU IDs should be limited to [a-z, A-Z, 0-9, .-:*_]

  1. Select Catalog, then select Products.

  2. Click Edit at the right end of the listed product you wish to edit to open a new page.

  3. Scroll down to the Digital River section and click to expand the section.

    • ECCN Code–From the drop-down list (which is searchable), choose the ECCN that applies to your product, which completes the Classification number and Digital River’s Description and Notes. Pay attention to the Notes, as they may contain important information relevant to your ECCN. If you do not find the ECCN applicable to your product, contact your Digital River account representative.

      ECCN list

      Approved ECCNs

    • Country of Origin–From the drop-down list, choose the Country of Origin for your product. See this country codes list.

    • HS Code–Enter the HS Code that applies to your product. This field is only used if you are set up to provide landed costs to your shoppers. If you are interested in enabling landed costs, contact your Digital River account representative.

    • SKU Group - Enter the SKU group information. Digital River provides a SKU Group field to collect and store data related to your product SKUs. This data lets you correctly determine tax rates and fulfill needed merchant and seller of record responsibilities.

    • Item Breadcrumbs - Enter your own breadcrumb information. Breadcrumbs are used and required for landed cost classification. Assigned product categories are used by default. Use the following format: "Clothing > Women's Clothing > Jeans > Bootcut Jeans."

    • Tax Description - Enter the tax descriptions. This description is required and used for landed cost classification. Use detailed descriptions such as "Children's winter boots with Velcro" rather than simply "Winter Boots."

    • Tax Field - Enter the Tax code that applies to your product.


  • Every product sold via the Digital River Extension for Magento will be considered Taxable Goods in the Magento production configuration screen.

  • The tax code entered in the Tax Field determines whether a SKU is considered a digital or physical product in the Digital River SKU service. If you incorrectly categorize a physical product with a digital tax value, you can cause orders to fail.

  • Each digital product must be set to This item has no weight within the Adobe Commerce admin settings. This setting tells the extension how to handle digital products at checkout.

  • If you haven't specified any values in the breadcrumbs, the product categories selected when saving the product are used in the sync request object. In cases where you left the description field empty, the product name is used instead.

  • If you use the bulk import feature (System > Import > Select entity type > ‘product’), you must add two new columns labeled dr_tax_item_breadcrumbs and dr_tax_description in the .CSV file.

  • HS codes are only necessary for calculating landed costs. They will be imported into Digital River's SKU Service to ensure proper taxation.

Manual catalog sync

The catalog will sync according to your Catalog Sync Settings. However, you can also sync your catalog manually. Select Catalog, then click Catalog Sync Grid and Manual Sync To Digital River.

Note: If you disable the Digital River extension at the ‘Default Config’ scope, the ‘catalog sync grid' is hidden, and you won’t be allowed to manually sync the catalog.

Catalog sync error handling

Based on the response from Digital River, the individual records in the dr_sync_queue will be updated as follows:

On success

  1. The synced_to_dr_at will be updated with the timestamp in the response field updatedTime.

  2. The status will be updated to Success.

  3. Response_data will be updated with the response received from Digital River.

On failure

  1. The synced_to_dr_at will be updated with the timestamp in the response field updatedTime.

  2. The status will be updated to Fail or Pending, depending on the error response code as listed below, and the Failure Response JSON node will be logged in the response_data column for tracking purposes.

    • For the 500 error, the status will be left Pending so that the next time the scheduler starts, it will try again to sync the data.

    • For the 400 error, the status will be updated to Fail.

  3. The merchant must update the product data based on the error response against that queue row. When the merchant updates the data from Admin, the product will again get added to the queue with the status Pending and synched to Digital River.

  4. If there is a failure during the sync, even for a single record, then take note at the end of the sync process and try one of these adjustments, depending on the cause of failure:

    • Update the product to resolve the error.

    • Retry the sync.